Manufactured YoYo
During the Spring of my senior year, I spent the semester in MIT's mechanical engineering manufacturing class: 2.008, Design and Manufacturing II. In this class we covered modern manufacturing with four areas of emphasis: manufacturing processes, equipment/control, systems, and design for manufacturing. Through this course we had to physically integrate engineering and management disciplines for determining manufacturing rate, cost, quality and flexibility. We designed, iterated, and manufactured 100 YoYos through injection molding and thermoforming with our CNC parts.

CAD/CAM/Process Plan
Quickly CAD a MIT dome to be thermoformed. I created a fully constrain part, produced CAM in MasterCAM for tool paths and CNC operations, and created GD&T documents. I had SolidWorks experience previously but this was an introduction to using the MasterCAM software and producing Gcode to run on the CNC machine.
Product Design
Coming Soon
Tooling Design | Tooling Fabrication | Machine Set-up
Coming Soon

Process Optimization
Coming Soon
Production & Variation
Coming Soon